
What are the Pro Techniques to Become an Unbeatable Boxer?

What are the Pro Techniques to Become an Unbeatable Boxer?

Fighting in the ring wearing gloves is not as easy as it seems. There are multiple aspects collectively that make a complete sport. However, boxing is the same.

When it comes to boxing techniques for beginners, many need to be considered the best. Though, there is no meaning in all these if you don’t understand how to use them.

So, to save you the trouble, we have sorted through and come up with the essential boxing techniques required by amateurs to up their game. Listed below are some of the best boxing techniques that can make you indestructible.

1. Stance

A perfect boxing stance is the foundation of a boxer. Though, if your base is not strong you cannot stand a chance if the fight goes on for a few rounds. A stance is mostly determined by the boxer's offensive and defensive strategies, as well as their own fighting style. Orthodox and Southpaw are two different styles of boxing based on stance.

In an orthodox stance, the fighter stands with their left foot in the front and right foot in the back. Whereas, in a southpaw stance, the fighter stands with their right foot in the front and left foot in the back.

However, different boxers and coaches edify different stance positions. Though in this article, we’ll discuss the traditional boxing stance.

1.1. Feet

  • Stand with your feet a little wider than your shoulder. Otherwise, you’ll get yourself knocked out while retaining your balance.
  • Place your feet at an angle with your rear foot turned at about 45-degrees.
  • The heel of your back foot should be lifted to allow quicker movement, though keep your lead/front foot planted flat on the floor.

1.2. Legs

  • Bend your knees slightly and keep them relaxed. This will help you to maintain balance and allow better energy transmission.

1.3. Hips

  • Your hips should be parallel to the ground so that you feel more balanced.

1.4. Arms

  • Your hands should be covering your face. To throw a punch, extend your hand out at about cheek-level while the other handguards the Keep your lead hand a few inches away to get a clear vision of your opponent’s attacks and blocking. Your elbows should also be tucked.
  • Remember to lower your chin down close to your chest, and be sure to stand a bit sideways.
  • Your height is another factor that needs to be kept in mind. Although the boxer's height and weights are evenly distributed, an adjustment will still be needed during the fight.
  • Move your weight slightly to your front leg to generate more power while attacking.

2. Persuade Attack

Punching is considered a fundamental aspect of boxing. The attacking system you choose as a boxer should be strong because your attack can make and break you. Before you start working on the right amount of strength, accuracy, and combinations, you should first learn the fundamentals of how boxing attacks work.

Generally, there are four basic boxing punches:

2.1. Jab

Jabs are meant to be thrown quickly and with little power. Though, it can set up larger attacks followed. Jabs are also used to check the opponent’s distance and defenses. To throw a jab, extend your lead hand at your cheek level with your fist inside and knuckles upwards.

2.2. Cross

Cross punches or straight punches are thrown with your rear hand. It’s a powerful punch, though remember to use your shoulder and rotate your torso when you throw this punch.

2.3. Hook

Hooks can be thrown with both hands. Generally, hooks are thrown with a lead hand but you can land it with your rear hand as well. The rotation of this punch is semi-circular that is capable of generating knock-out power to beat down your opponent.

Hooks are meant to hit the opponent’s head, but they can also be used for body shots.

2.4. Uppercut

The rotation of this punch is vertical. It comes all the way from downwards to the center of your body to beat the opponent’s face with full power. Uppercuts are hard and fast and difficult to resist.

But uppercuts are the riskiest as well, because if you miss, you may lose your balance and come open to an easy counterattack. 

2.5. Overhead Punch

Other than the basic punches, pro boxers use some advanced boxing techniques like an overhand punch to surprise their opponent.

It’s a semi-circular, vertical punch thrown with your backhand, you would throw this over your head like an over-loop. Throw this punch only when you are sure that it would hit the target. Because If it misses it leaves you wide open to get punched by your opponent. But if it lands, it can have a forceful impact.

Once you hold your grip on the basics you can work on combinations. The best thing about combinations is you can make your combinations of punches to surprise your opponent and knock him out on the mat.

3. Defend Yourself

Defense is as crucial as your attack in boxing. All is a loss if you have a poor defense. A strong defense is a key to winning a match. Although, there are several boxing techniques professionals use that you should learn even if you are a beginner.

We have discussed the stance above at the beginning of this article. An important aspect of defense is remaining in your guard in the first place, so keep that in mind.

There are four basic defense techniques:

3.1. Slipping

Slipping as the name suggests, slip away from the incoming punch by using your hips, shoulders, and head.

3.2. Blocking/Parrying

Blocking is deflecting punches with your arms and shoulders. Whereas, parrying, is when you make use of your hands to effectively slap away the incoming punch.

3.3. Bobbing and Weaving

Bobbing and weaving is another basic defense strategy, this is accomplished by moving your head side to side to prevent hitting from your opponent’s strikes.

3.4. Clinch

To clinch your opponent successfully you need to come closer to your opponent and wrap his arms and hold on to create a pause. It is not a long defense, usually, the referee breaks it up after some seconds.

Practice these basic boxing techniques so as not to get caught off-guard beforehand. Make sure you practice them while sparring with your friend, it will help you to get your grip on these defenses.

4. Remember Your Footwork

Be mindful of the fact that footwork is as crucial as punching in boxing. You will be unable to dodge the punches thrown by your opponent. Besides, it is easier to beat an unmoving target than the operational one.

To become a pro boxer, you need to take control of your footwork techniques. Balancing is an important factor here, learn how to balance your weight while transferring your weight on your legs.

For instance, if you are getting advanced towards your opponent to attack, transfer your weight on your lead leg. Your punches become stronger by following this pro technique.

However, different exercises can help with improving your footwork techniques.

4.1. Jump Rope

Jumping rope, one of the most important workouts that professionals do to enhance their lower body intensity. Although it works with all body muscles except for building muscles, jump rope helps to strengthen your muscles.

Possibly, every trainer, coach, and the pro boxer will advise you not to skip jumping rope from your boxing workout routine.

Moreover, this exercise is vital in improving your balance, speed, and foot coordination.

4.2. Ladder Drills

Nothing could help more than enhance the speed and control of your footwork. Though, ladder drills are one of the best exercises used by athletes across several sports to help quicken footwork.

You might have seen the visual representation of this exercise in football practice. There are different variations in which you can perform this exercise. For instance, touching both feet in each space twice, staying on the balls of your feet, and moving quickly.

4.3. Shadow Boxing Techniques

If you wish to develop good footwork, you have to practice it. An effective method to enhance footwork skills is shadowboxing.

Shadowboxing is a way to practice while considering you are in a fight with a real opponent. There is no chance you are affected by an opponent until you focus 100% on your techniques.

Try to practice shadow boxing in rounds as you are in real fights, and perform various punch combinations and dodges. Move enough to effectively work on your footwork.

Envision, how pro boxers utilize their footwork techniques and learn from them by visualizing them. Though, every boxer put his pro technique to make his footwork unique and different from the other fighters.

5. Breathing

What makes pro fighters so good at hitting continuously? How do they manage to shower uncountable punches without getting fatigued? … through breathing. They know how to fill the air in their lungs during the fight.

Breathing is a vital skill that every boxer needs to gain throughout their boxing training. Pro boxers always remember proper breathing techniques throughout their boxing training sessions.

If you do not practice breathing control in your boxing workout sessions, you’ll get fatigued even after a few seconds in the ring.

There is a technique that pro boxers exploit, inhale through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. And every punch you punch, remember to exhale quickly.

Another way to build breathing control is through cardio exercises for boxers. Above in this article, we have discussed the miscellaneous advantages of jumping rope, though it helps with your breathing control as well.

Jumping rope works well in helping you with your endurance. As well, it ensures that you breathe well in high-intensity situations. You can also practice breathing while shadow boxing, sparring, and during punching bag workouts.

6. Find out Your Style

“Style is important”, this is what a pro boxer says. A boxing style is nothing for you to choose. You are the one chosen by the style. You can say, boxing style naturally comes to you. The more you practice the better you learn about your style.

Though there are no boundaries here, you can mix up your style with other styles as well… that’s complex. Your strength, defense, and your footwork are the basic factors that work your style.

However, you need to learn all styles, to get to know about the style of your opponent. So that, so what should you be up against?

Basically, there are four traditional boxing styles: pure boxer, slugger, boxer-puncher, and swarmer. Below, we have discussed all the boxing styles to provide beginners with an overview.

6.1. The Pure Boxer

Pure boxers or out-fighters, usually, do not like to come in the range of their opponent. They stay outside and wait for the right moment to go in to attack their opponent.

However, they are good at controlling the fight, and they aptly use their footwork techniques and reflexes to gain and keep the advantage.

Some significant names in the pure boxers include Muhammad Ali, Floyd Mayweather Jr., Pernell Whitaker, and Billy Conn.

6.2. Slugger

Sluggers are the cruelest as the name suggests. They usually do not follow techniques, though they incorporate pure power in their hits.

Sluggers are sturdy enough, as they can take the hardest of the strike and are also able to beat their opponent with one strike. They are not afraid to take hits on their chin or chest, so they do not fear coming close to their opponent.

They get closer to their opponent so that they can throw their best hit and eventually they land their KO punch.

George Foreman, Terry McGovern, Joe Frazier, and Sonny Liston are some of the famous sluggers from history.

6.3. Boxer-Puncher

A boxer-puncher is the combination of a pure boxer and a slugger. Though, they contain the features of both styles. They have great power behind their punches like the slugger and the technical skills and grace like the pure boxer.

Moreover, they have a good speed and have accurate strength as well, this might make them the toughest.

Some of the famous boxer-punchers are Sugar Ray Leonard, Manny Pacquiao, and Joe Louis.

6.4. Swarmer

Swarmer’s or in-fighters are very well known to overwhelm their opponent. They used to rush in with a swarm of punches to prevent their opponent from creating a good defense.

Swarmers are the most aggressive and their aggression never goes down the entire round. Though they are good at restraining their extraordinary stamina.

Famous boxing swimmers are Tommy Burns, Mike Tyson, Battling Nelson, and Jake La Motta.

7. Establish Angles

Professional boxers always take fights under their control… at their best. Though, they know you have to create angles if you want to control the fight.

When you try to reach your opponent from the same angle, your moves become predictable. In that case, you can easily get blocked and countered.

What you need to do is move around in the ring, so that you can better control and overwhelm your opponent.

Combine your footwork techniques with defense to create angles. For instance, if your opponent comes at you with a cross punch, you can slip the punch by collaborating your footwork with defense.

To deliver a power shot on the liver, stepping quickly to the left side is great footwork. Also, incorporate speed and accuracy when you want to utilize angles.

Perhaps, focus mitts training and sparring are the best way to practice angles. Though your hits should be powerful enough to get your opponent down with one shot.

8. Focus Training

Among all the other boxing techniques we’re discussing, training seems obvious. However, focus training is the specific training that the pros do.

8.1. What is focus training?

Pro boxers train to serve a specific purpose to encourage a section of their boxing training. Basically, there are two types of boxing training.

Power Training

Assuredly, a boxer has to have strength behind his punches. It is an obvious tip, but some beginners do not focus their training on actually developing their punching power.

One way to enhance your punching power is a punching bag workout. Heavy bag workouts help to develop your arm muscles and also build endurance. Though, these are the two things that contribute to punching power.

Moreover, exercise your entire body such as your legs and your core. Utilizing your body weight is another way to make your punches more powerful. The more strength you have throughout the body, the more powerful your punches are. So, incorporate an all-around exercise regime in place.

Speed Training

Pro boxers have remarkable speed both in offense and defense. You should be able to move quickly for a powerful hit and also be able to slip away so your opponent can’t land a hit.

For speed training, work with a speed bag to develop fast reaction time. Speed bag workout also helps in making your hand-eye coordination better.

Sparring and mitt training also helps to enhance your speed and reflexes. A double-end bag is another useful tool for speed training.

You can develop numerous areas of your body by mingling your training. Practice with the same time intervals similar to a real match. This will help to better your stamina, for example, workout for 1 minute and take a 30 seconds rest and repeat. You can build up your workout time as you boost endurance.

9. Fool Your Opponents with Feints

Sometimes, just faking an action is in your favour rather than actually performing it. Same in the case of boxing, pro boxers feint their shots just to fool their opponents. However, beginners might take it as a piece of poor advice but it can work wonders if you know how to use it.

Feints come in handy when you are dealing with an opponent that has a solid defense. When you faint an action, your opponent reveals common reactions and at the very moment, you can take advantage of that.

9.1. Jab Feints

You can accomplish feints with the help of a traditional jab. As we have already discussed, jabs are not dominant. They usually throw to push away the opponent and set up a strong hit.

Jabs are also beneficial to make your opponent think that you are going to throw it.

How to do: 

Throw a jab and stop it mid-way or throw a jab that just misses your opponent’s head. You can follow this with a strong cross punch to the body or the head that won’t be suspected by your opponent.

Pro Tips:

Perform a few jabs throughout your fight to see how your opponent reacts to it. Once you have caught on the way then you can work on the faint.

9.2. Whole Body Feints

You can also feint with your body rather than with just your punch. Incorporate your footwork or you can do it along with the jab feint as well.

You can step forward to feint a jab and then return to your original position or stance. If you have great footwork, you can continue to incorporate it into your whole-body feints.

10. Body Shots

You learn when you practice. Head knockout shots are very popular though that is the soft spot of every fighter. But headshots are not the only way to knock down your opponent with a single savage hit.

You can do the same, by throwing a powerful punch at your opponent’s body. Finding the best place and the best time is the real skill, though.

A well-placed and well-timed body shot can send your opponent down and result in an outstanding TKO. Boxers with pro techniques have good accuracy, time, and good use of combinations.

Though, if your opponent does not get down with a good hit, he would rather leave a soft spot wide open for you to land an easy knockout hit.

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