Team Elite Bjj Fighter Noah Kaetenay Lopez Elite Sports


Noah kaetenay is a 5 year old boy who lives in San jose, Ca. Noah has been training for 1 year, in that 1 year noah has competited over 15 tournaments.. Has won mostly gold, some silver and bronze, but learns from his experience.. Noah, is also on the gymnastics pre competitive teams, which by doing both sports has helped him physically and mentally prepare for his bjj tournaments...


Q&A Session Between Noah Kaetenay Lopez and Elite Sports

Question: What inspires you about BJJ?

Answer:Love that we get new belts, means i got better, and go compete to win gold .

Question: Who inspires you, past or present? Why do they inspire you?

Answer: Coaches and people that help me get better .

Question: What are your goals for this year? Next 3 years? Next 5 years?

Answer: Be a world champion .

Question: How long have you been training?

Answer: 1 year

Question: How often do you train?

Answer:4 times a week .

Question:Major accomplishments you’ve achieved during that time?

Answer: 9 gold is not bad start

Question: Do you have a go-to finishing move?

Answer: Americana .

Question: What do you think it takes to become a champion in your sport?

Answer: Work harder then everyone else .

Question: What sort of gear do you usually keep in your gym bag before hitting the gym? Do you have different items for specific days?

Answer:, Gi, BJJ gloves, shin guards, mouthguard, ipad, money.

Question: What will you suggest to the newcomers?

Answer: Train .

Question: What does it mean for you to be a fighter?

Answer: Be the best champion .

Question:What are the essential things for the trainin?

Answer: Focused, motivation, hard work .

Question: What separates you from every other fighter in your division?

Answer: Emotional for sure, think that im gonna win .

Question: What is the meaning of success in your mind?

Answer: Always trying my best .

Question: With whom you would like to fight, and why?

Answer: Some older kids .

Question: Is there any difference b/w your common days’ diet and during competition training diet?

Answer: Diet is always the same, i always eat good for overall health .

Question: How does a beginner will prepare for the competition? Any advice for beginners?

Answer: Dont worry to much.

Question: Is there any difference b/w your common days’ diet and during competition training diet?

Answer: Always good to prepare mentally.

Question: How is it helpful to have the information about your competitor ?

Answer: Always good to prepare mentally .

Question: Is the martial arts necessary for a common person? How?

Answer: Self defense from bullies .

Question: Which moment is memorable for you in your past competitions?

Answer: Winning gold and making friends .

Question: How do martial arts help to build a leade?

Answer: I know what im doing to help others .

Question: What would be your dream fight?

Answer: UFC .

Question: How is the road plan necessary for any competition?

Answer: Make sure im not worried to be focused in fight .

Question: Do you have any advice for your competitors?

Answer: Try your best .

Question: How much importance has the sports gear in any competition?

Answer: Depends on the brand, could help you have durable gear .

Question: What should we learn from the legends /or from the seniors?

Answer: Everything, continue to make it better .

Question: To whom you would like to compliment for your success?

Answer: Parents and coaches .

Question: Who is your favorite legendary fighter? Why?

Answer: Connor mcgrgor because he is the best .