Team Elite Boxing Fighter Kopylenko Vitalii Elite Sports


I was born 1’ February 1984 in Glevaha. It’s small town near Kiev, Ukraine. 2001-2006 study at National University. One year ago, I moved to Miami.


Q&A Session Between Kopylenko Vitalii and Elite Sports

Question: What inspires you about BJJ? MMA?

Answer: Ray Leonard, Marvin Hagler, Robert Duran

Question: How long have you been training?

Answer: I have been training for 17 years

Question: Do you have a go-to finishing move?

Answer: The training plan consists of the development of the physical strength of the body in the right proportionality with the boxing skills, the acquisition of fighting qualities with explosive activity. I pay a lot of attention to cardiovascular system. These are daily morning jogging, development of general physical qualities that consist of interval loads every other day, the buildup of physical strength, development of all muscle groups in the gym with weights. The boxing school is conducted daily with systematic honing of skills and improving combat techniques, developing tactics of attack and defense. In preparation for the fight, compulsory sparring with different sparring partners - 3 times a week. It is necessary to take into account the development of mobility and elasticity of muscles and ligamentous apparatus - this is regular yoga 2-3 times a week, massages 2-3 times a week (after sparring) and sauna visits 1 time per week. At the same time, everyone should have adequate supply of nutrients and vitamins for high productivity. Quality sleep 8-10 hours.

Question: What are your goals for this year? Next 3 years? Next 5 years?

Answer: My plans for this year is to lead a good fight and show good results. Plans for 3 years: I want to improve myself to have fights on a high, world level. Plans for 5 years is to take first place ranking of the best boxers in the world. I want to open my gym to train and motivate the younger generation to a healthy and active lifestyle and to be able protect them self at any cases.

Question: Who inspires you, past or present? Why do they inspire you?

Answer: Mayweather. I like his style and boxing technique. He always shows a smart strategy during the boxing. Correctly builds defense against the opponent.

Question: What is the meaning of success in your mind?

Answer: To achieve your Dream and world best title around your waist.

Question: Any major accomplishments you’ve been able to achieve in that time?

Answer: 2012 European External Union Champion, 2013 WBF World Champion

Question: Who is your favorite legendary fighter?

Answer: Mike Tysone and Muhammad Ali.

Question: How often do you train?

Answer: Before my fight I'm training 2 times per day of 6 days a week. Between preparations for my fight, I attend the gym every day, except on Saturday Sunday.

Question: What do you think it takes to be a champion in your sports?

Answer: To achieve the championship, it is necessary to have a clear intention to become the best and follow a strict training process. Support for loved ones, faith and teamwork of my team # kopylenkoteam is something that will give me the opportunity to achieve all heights in boxing!

Question: What sort of gear do you usually keep in your gym bag before hitting the gym? Do you have different items for specific days?

Answer: Working with dumbbells and a barbell. Dry rowing and ropes