Team Elite MMA Nate Williams Elite Sports


Nate Williams is the 5th ranked of 110 active US Midwest Pro Flyweights and the 1st ranked of 12 active Iowa Pro Flyweights. He started training in his early age. His First appearance as a fighter was in 2008. His Pro MMA Record is 26-17-0 (Win-Loss-Draw).


Q&A Session Between David Durao and Elite Sports

Question: What inspires you about BJJ? MMA?

Answer: It makes everyday struggles seem insignificant

Question: Who inspires you, past or present? Why do they inspire you?

Answer: My kid because i wanna give him the world

Question: What are your goals for this year? Next 3 years? Next 5 years?

Answer: By the end. Of next year i want to. Be a full tkme. Fighter and in 3 years i wanna. Be fighting on a large platform to showcase my skills

Question: How long have you been training?

Answer: 4 years

Question: How often do you train?

Answer: I go to the gym 5 times a week and normally go get some kind of workout in the other 2 days of the week.

Question: Any major accomplishments you’ve been able to achieve in that time?

Answer: Two MMA Ammy belts Gold medal for weight in BJJ tournent and Succesful mma Pro Debut

Question: Do you have a go-to finishing move?

Answer: I Finish the fight however I can

Question: What do you think it takes to be a champion in your sports?

Answer: Hard work and Dedication , Being a champion takes a lot of hard work and consistency along with a level head and humility.

Question: What sort of gear do you usually keep in your gym bag before hitting the gym? Do you have different items for specific days?

Answer: I always have a pair of boxing gloves, MMA gloves, my elite Gi, a rash guard and compression shorts. I normally have a lot of tape, a hoodie and a mouthguard fight shorts,