Ultimate Guide to Setup Tightest Arm Triangle in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Ultimate Guide to Setup Tightest Arm Triangle in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

1. Introduction


Chokes are the submission techniques that are used in the Brazilian art of jiu-jitsu. The chokes can be the air choke or the blood chokes that restrict the flow of the blood and passage of air. Some chokes can block the passage of both but some of the chokes can restrict only one passage.

The chokes can be applied with the hand and arms, or the pressure can be exerted with the shoulders or even with the mount position. The tightest arm triangle is a blood choke that is applied with the use of the arms and the shoulders.

In the grappling art of BJJ the submission techniques are applied with the correct application of the method, by grips, holds, takedown, and with the proper execution of the pressure on the fellow contender. In this way, the contender can beat the opponent, irrespective of weight and size. 

2. Arm Triangle In BJJ

Arm triangle is the submission method that is used in BJJ, this technique has been derived from the Kodokan Judo. it is the choking method that is applied from the side, often termed a side choke.

The arm triangle is the most effective and commonly used method in No-Gi tournaments. It is the technique that can be applied from the side control, it is the entanglement of the arms and shoulders. The opponent is under the pressure of his own arm and shoulder.

The arm triangle choke is a strangle that triangulates the opponent's neck or throat, after restricting the movement of the head.

As the tightest arm triangle is applied, it restricts the blood flow due to the pressure over the neck and torso, which is why it is also known as the blood chokehold. As the flow of the blood reduces or blocks after the execution of the arm triangle submission, the opponent goes for a tap.

In the strangulation of the arm triangle, the pressure is applied from the side of the opponent. The mechanism of the choke is from the forearm of the fighter to the neck of the opponent. Due to the use of the arms wrapped around the neck of the opponent, it takes the shape of a triangle which is why this submission is known as the arm triangle.

The intense pressure of the arms and shoulders can leave no gap in between for the escape, which is why it is known as the tightest arm triangle choke. 

Arm Triangle In BJJ

3. Different Names of Arms Triangle

The arms triangle is also famous by the name of kata gatame, its style has been derived from the martial arts of Judo and this submission method is also used in Catch Wrestling.

The arm triangle is quite different from the basic triangle as it targets the legs of the opponent. But in the submission method of the arm triangle, as the name suggests, it has the involvement of the arm to submit the opponent in a bout or in a cage.

Arm triangle is the similar application of the choke as in the triangle choke but in it the entanglement is over the lower body of the opponent.

4. Step By Step Method for the Execution of the Tightest Arm Triangle

The tightest arm triangle can render the opponent in an unconscious state if the choke is applied for more than six seconds.

The kata-gatame hold or the arm triangle works from the front headlock position. The fighter can apply the submission method of the arms choke by targeting the head of the opponent. The fighter will place one arm under the opponent's head and then he needs to tighten the grip around the neck. The use of the armpit is also important that can help to grip the biceps of the opponent. The last and essential step is to execute the pressure over the shoulder and the torso of the opponent.

The mechanism of the arm triangle strangle works on the grip of the hands, placement of the arms and armpit, and maintaining the steady pressure over the upper section of the opponent. This side choke variation has a defined rate of success if all of the steps are executed accordingly.

The arms triangle can be applied with multiple variations that include the application of submission from the standing position, mount, bottom half guard, and side control.

Let us find out the perfect execution of the tightest arm triangle in the martial arts of Brazilian jiu-jitsu. 

4.1. Taking the Position of the Mount

The execution of the arm triangle is simple but practice is needed for the correct execution of the tightest arms triangle method. Mount is one of the most common positions that is used for the arm triangle method in BJJ.

The fighter is required to take the top and the most dominant position of mount than the fighter need to target the head of the opponent by making a hook of the arm around the neck. Keep it in your consideration to have firm control over the hands and the arms so that there will be less or no space for escape. Once you lose the grip there will be the chance of losing control over the opponent.

After securing the arm hook the fighter needs to leave one arm of the opponent and take control over it by placing it under the bicep of the fighter. The pressure is exerted on the arm of the opponent that needs to be taken in the upward direction slowing and gradually by implementing the pressure of the shoulder onto the torso of the opponent.

When the arm of the opponent is at the level of the neck then the fighter is required to block the passage of the arm and head by placing the head over the bicep of the opponent. As the fighter puts the head on the arm the pressure is created and moves to the different positions. It helps to restrict the blood flow of the opponent and carotid arteries are narrowed in this process.

If the arm triangle choke is applied for more than seven seconds then the opponent will face drastic results. It has been recommended to secure the hook by locking your hand with the upper part of the elbow. This hook also helps to maintain the pressure that does not allow the fighter to escape out of it. 

4.2. Arm Triangle from the Side Control

It is another variation of the arm triangle, that can be applied from the side control. The fighter is required to approach the neck from the side position. Place one arm under the head and with the other arm trying to control the movements of the opponent.

While executing this move the opponent might push you hard, and he will try to escape by pushing the head away. At that point, the fighter can restrict the movement of the arm by keeping it at the level of the throat. Move your arm in the upper direction and meanwhile, slide your head at the armpit or near the shoulder. It will block the movement of the head, grab your hand over each other, and lock it in place.

Stay tight and firm in the position then move your head down. In order to finish the arm-triangle choke, more pressure is exerted on the by changing the side with a jump. The fighter will jump to the other side which will create the ultimate pressure over the neck area and the fighter will tap out. 

4.3. Execution with the Standing Position

Tightest arms arms triangle can be applied from the standing position. It is the method that is rarely seen, just because it has difficulty in the application of the submission. That is why this method is rarely seen in BJJ.

For the execution of the arms triangle from the standing position it is very difficult to acquire the perfect angle. The fighter needs to maintain pressure when the choke is applied. The fighter is required to grab the neck from the back side, by placing the arm under the armpit and moving approaching at the neck.

With the other arm hold your wrist and lock the opponent in place. For the finish move the head upwards and maintain the pressure. 

4.4. Bottom Half Guard and Tight Arm Triangle

The variations of the chokes in the Brazilian jiu-jitsu make it a versatile sport. Tight arms triangle strangle can be applied with the bottom half guard position. It is a unique variation that allows the fighter to do the submission underneath the opponent.

This submission is applied to the half-guard position. This is a unique method that is applied from the bottom position. As the opponent is in the mount position trying to grab the neck, the fighter needs to push away the arm.

The next step is to target the neck of the opponent with both of the arms. Place one arm at the front to grab the neck and take the arm in at the back use the other arm to make the triangle. Place one hand on your bicep and the other on the head.

To finish the submission the fighter needs to roll to one side and grab his two legs in the middle. The fighter is required to roll in the opposite direction and secure the grip more tightly. If the opponent does not tap then, change the position and approach from the back to pull the opponent down. 

5. Tips for the Tightest Arms Triangle

Tips for the Tightest Arms Triangle

Every submission works only on the condition that the finish is applied correctly. Following are the key points that work completely for the execution of the tightest arms triangle:

  1. The fighter needs to take the correct position of the bottom mount, side mount, and even from the standing position.
  2. The next step is to secure the grip with three possibilities:
    • Gable position
    • S- Grip
    • RNC Grip
  3. Take the perfect position of taking the behind the shoulders with the firm grip of the hands,
  4. The fighter needs to do the transition of the legs and change the direction of the head.
  5. You can get the tap from the mount position.
  6. While changing the position/ side secure the grip so that there is no chance for the escape.
  7. The position of the head is a significant part of the execution of the tightest arms triangle.
  8. The strength of the arm is not dependent on the muscles, but it is dependent on the proper grip and the body positioning.
  9. Hold control over the opponent until they go for a tap.

6. Defending the Arm Triangle

Defending the tightest arm triangle is dependent on most of the basic factors that also include changing the position. Try to make a space between the arm and the neck, push the arms, and make a space to breathe.

While isolating the leg move away the leg of the opponent, this will make a way to escape. Elevate the body to make a space and move your legs to get out of a trap.

Prevent the lock by pressing your shoulders in the forward direction. Move your body to the side of the locked arm. Move your legs to one side and change the position of the arm triangle. 

7. Common Misconceptions Of Arm Triangle

Common Misconceptions Of Arm Triangle

The fighters cannot execute the proper arm triangle method because of the least control over the opponent's arms and neck. That is why the opponent might move to the reverse position.

Try to stay firm at the place and don't allow the opponent to move forward or backward. The position of the elbow should be at the correct place.

The fighter needs to avoid leaning in the wrong direction, as it might create a space for the fighter to escape.

Most of the fighters lack the correct distribution of the weight over the opponent, this does not maintain the correct pressure.

Don't rush to finish the submission method after executing too much pressure at one point. Keep the weight composed equally. 

8. Conclusion

The submission method of the tightest arm triangle has the highest accuracy and is used in the Brazilian arts of jiu-jitsu and in mixed martial arts. It is also known as the blood choke, which is the perfect tool in the BJJ arsenal.

An arm triangle is a weapon that can be used against a heavy contender. It is the side choke that can be applied by the fighter from various positions, which also includes the kata-gatame choke.

In this submission method, the opponent is in the entanglement of the arms, and the strangle is also catching the shoulders, which creates great pressure on the torso. The pressure is exerted on the opponents by their own arms and shoulders. 

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