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Everyone wants to be charismatic. Being charismatic means that you are attractive and have influence over people wherever you go. But have you ever wondered why martial artists are so charismatic? Many fans around the globe watch martial arts and find many martial artists charismatic. You have to accept the fact that martial artists are attractive and have a strong influence on their fans.
Martial arts can help increase your charisma in many ways. This is not just a sport. It develops the mind, transforms your body, and makes you physically and psychologically attractive and charismatic.
1. What are Martial Arts?
Martial arts are a type of combat sport that mainly originated in China, Japan, and South Korea. These arts are a part of traditions in these countries. The arts that originated in China were called Chinese martial arts, and those in Japan were called Japanese martial arts. These were practiced to learn and increase self-defense and develop mind, body, and spirituality.
1.1 Significance of Martial Arts:
- People have been learning martial arts for many years for self-defense. They learn to defend themselves against criminals in dangerous situations or street fights. With time, these arts have evolved and developed new skills and techniques.
- Moreover, there are some experts in each type of art. These martial arts experts introduced new techniques and skills to the art. People started learning those skills, and gradually, these new skills became part of the art.
- Martial arts had only one reason for creation, and that was to fight effectively in battle and dominate the opponent. This is because the skills learned in these arts are necessary for dominating your opponent.
- Now, people have started learning martial arts not to go to battles and dominate opponents but to defend themselves against street attacks, crimes, or any other dangerous situation.
Bruce Lee was once asked why people should learn martial arts, particularly from him. He responded:
“I teach all types of knowledge, which ultimately means self-knowledge. So, they ask me to teach them not so much how to defend themselves or how to do somebody in rather, they want to learn to express themselves through some movement. Be it anger, determination, or whatever. In other words, I'm saying, therefore, that they are paying me to show them in combative form, which is the art of expressing the human body.”
- In the start, martial arts were only famous in its origin countries such as China, Korea, and Japan. But with time, realizing its importance, people from other countries started learning the art with the primary reason of defending themselves.
- Today, martial arts are seen as only self-defense or dominating your opponent on the battlefield. However, only few people realize its effects on the body and mind. The most crucial thing these arts does to its learners is build their character and charisma.
This article will explore the top 10 ways martial arts can increase your charisma.
1.2 Top 10 Martial Arts:
- Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
- Boxing
- Sambo
- Muay Thai
- Wrestling
- Sanda
- Kickboxing
- Judo
- Karate
Out of all these types of arts, some are very deadly . Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) combines techniques and skills from many other martial arts.
2. Top 10 Ways Martial Arts Increase Your Charisma
Following are the top 10 ways martial arts develop your mind, body, and spirituality and make you charismatic.

2.1 Martial Arts Build Confidence with Action
Martial arts help you build confidence in your abilities. It seems like they don't necessarily work, and it's a dichotomy, but remember that they are not dichotomous. They build confidence amazingly because building confidence requires taking some action.
You must have heard the famous saying:
“You have to fake it before you make it.”
People advise this often when they talk about confidence. It is terrible advice because you are not faking anything to have self-confidence. That is a deep sense of assuredness in yourself, and you cannot fake that. It's truer that when you find a challenging situation, you are not confident, but you do it anyway, and by doing it, you become confident in your abilities.
People try to fake it for themselves. You cannot fake it. You either have it or not; if not, make it by doing challenging stuff.
These arts are perfect for building confidence because it starts when you enter your gym. When you join a martial arts academy, you are first challenged with complex movement patterns. You must learn all these different moves, which are tricky at first.

You are faced with a challenging situation and not confident with those movements, so what do you do? Should you fake it? No, you practice, take action, keep doing them, and eventually, get good at them and become confident. Most people know they will not do well in the beginning, but then you keep doing it over and over and over again, and then eventually, you develop confidence.
Regardless of what martial arts you are doing, they develop confidence, and that confidence begins to spill over, which has nothing to do with the outcome. It has more to do with knowing you are capable, and that is the idea.
For a deeper view of this discussion, consider clicking the link below:
2.2 Martial Arts Build Social Skills
You must have seen the weird kids or the kids who no one wants to hang out with because they have no social skills. Starting martial arts at a young age helps develop some critical social skills.
Social skills are essential for anyone. These skills should be learned at a very young age so that, growing up, you can face every challenge and handle any situation perfectly. Research shows that these skills are learned more effectively at age four.

Everyone should have learned basic social skills such as etiquette and manners by age four. If anyone has no social skills past the age of four, then it becomes difficult to handle the situation or face any challenge.
That’s why many parents admit their children to martial arts schools to learn basic social skills by age four. They also help build concentration, confidence, self-control, and respect.
For example, see the following video in which Danielle North visits a mixed martial arts training academy where children are learning both social skills and arts.
2.3 Martial Arts Teach Respecting Everyone
Martial arts teach us to have respect for everyone. There's a quote from Einstein that says:
“I show the same respect to the garbage man as they do to a university professor.”
Martial arts begin and end with respect. The instructor shows respect to the students, and the students are in respect to the instructor. Everyone shows respect to the training hall in which they are training and all the equipment, whether that be the mats or all the gear. Martial arts academy will require you to bow as you come into the training hall or to step on the mats, and that is to remind us of our need to show respect.

It also teaches us to show respect to our training partners and others. That means training properly, efficiently, smartly, and not mucking around so that our training partner can train also but safely. So that we do not hurt our training partners.
You will quickly find that if you hurt your training partners, no one will want to train with you. You will have to train by yourself and practice a lot of techniques. That is quite challenging. So martial arts are perfect for teaching kids to show respect to others.
Just imagine if somebody is not showing you the respect you think you deserve. Would you like to hang around with that person? Will you want to be friends with them? The answer will be no if you have any self-worth.
We need to train our kids that if they are not showing respect to other people, then people are not going to want to hang around with them. If they show respect, they are much more likely to get that respect back, and their social circle will begin to include respectful people.
See the following video for more learning of how mixed martial arts teach respect:
2.4 Martial Arts Teach to Meet New People.
Martial arts help kids by teaching them about meeting new people, and there is a saying from the six degrees of separation which is:
“Every person is a door to a different world.”
Unlike sports, where you get a team at the start of the season and will maintain a constant team, martial arts are a bit more open door. New students will be coming all the time, and as students progress up the ranks, there will always be people coming in under them. It will allow you to introduce yourself, become a role model, and meet new people. It is a big part of the leadership program in martial arts.

They give training on how to greet people politely and shake hands. Martial arts trains you to talk confidently, introduce yourself, and show respect to others. Particularly those who are older or in a position of authority. This constant flow of students helps kids to become role models, and even if they are the newest students, as soon as someone new comes in, they are not the latest students anymore.
That pumps them up a little, helps them become role models, and shows that new kid knows what to do. It is perfect to motivate them and give them a bit of influence on that new student as well. This translates to life that if you are not able to talk confidently to people or to meet new people, you are going to find yourself having a very lonely life. So, meeting and greeting new people is a crucial skill in social development and improving social skills.
2.5 Martial Arts Teach Turn-Taking
Martial arts teach us turn-taking. You must be annoyed by people cutting in line and not waiting for their turn. In some cultures, there is no such thing as cueing. There is a significant way to get respect from others, and that is by giving respect.
“Respect is a two-way street. If you want to get it, you have got to give it.”

Part of that is simply waiting for your turn. Martial arts teach kids to take turns, whether lining up, waiting to have turned for a drill, or just waiting for the class to start.
It teaches kids a little bit of patience, but you know it is not your turn, and it is not all about you all the time. That translates into the playground where kids need to wait for the monkey bars, slide, swing, or anything like that, and they are not cutting in front and pushing in front.
2.6 Martial Arts Relieve Stress
Doctors often say to patients suffering from depression, anxiety, or stress to exercise. This is a great way to relieve the stress and increase dopamine and serotonin levels.
Dopamine and serotonin are happy hormones. When their levels are low in the body, we feel stressed. To increase these levels, we must do exercise or some physical activity. This, in turn, will relieve stress.

Physical activities include jogging, strenuous exercise, weight lifting, and martial arts. But among all these activities, martial arts stand tall. Because it trains you both mentally and physically. Besides relieving stress, you are also learning many skills and techniques. They are a great way of reducing the stress.
Joe Rogan said while talking about how mixed martial arts helped him relieve his stress and be a happy person:
“I found the path. It was like there was a clear road where I could be a better person and happy person.”
Many companies offer their employees gym allowance for martial arts and other types of physical activity so that their employees remain relaxed and do the work efficiently. For example, Colorado Springs Martial Arts Academy offers employees free gym time. The business decided that they could help families with stress and make it accessible for those in need.
A government employee told the owners they might have to stop paying gym fees due to the other family's needs. That is when the gym owner decided to open doors to those in need. You can take out some stress while doing martial arts. Physical activity will put them through some mental drills to teach them how to deal with that anxiety.
Dr. Lucio Maurino, biomechanics expert and world karate champion, explains why martial arts are so necessary for you to release your stress.
“I think this is a myth. Relaxation is a myth. We have to talk about release. We reach relaxation only when we die, after rigor mortis. Then we can relax finally. When you feel stiff, it's important to use techniques that put you in the condition to release the tension that usually comes from a residual tone of the training you have done before or from some emotion or negative stress you take from the day or work or stuff like that. And you can put out this resilient tone by releasing the tissue.”
He also describes how you should release your tension and stress:
“The first is to slowly contract on the body and breathe in (inhale deeply) and then maintain tension, and then slowly (exhaling) relax. In the second phase, we get tension again, slowly (inhaling) breathing in. Now, when you release, we exhale fast. (Exhale) Good. Third phase. We go a little bit fast, inhalation (inhales quickly) and then (exhales quickly) - Okay. The last phase is faster. Be careful with the eyes. So, we started with slow tension and slow release, and then we gradually made it smaller and smaller. And that's like a punch.”
2.7 Martial Arts Build Discipline
People sign up for martial arts primarily for confidence, focus, discipline, and fitness. There may be something else like self-defense. Learning how to defend oneself is also very important, but generally, those four are the primary ones. They may be looking to get one out of them, or they may look to get all four out of the martial arts, but those are generally the reasons.

There are three ways that the martial arts help you develop discipline.
- There is a built-in goal system. It is a belt you are looking at. You aim to go from White to Yellow and up to Black. It teaches you to put time and effort into working towards something. Initially, your goal is small, which is easy to attain. That teaches you that a small amount of effort leads to a small goal. As you train longer and longer, your goals will get bigger and bigger. Those things require more discipline and more time and effort because the success you achieve depends on control, which requires discipline.
Joe Rogan said while talking about how martial arts build discipline:
“I found martial arts at a very young age, and so discipline became my addiction, and I got very, very fortunate that I went in that direction.”
1. The second way martial arts help you develop discipline is there are rules, procedures, rituals, and respect that you need to show, demonstrate, and display. Whatever school you attend, they need to have those things; if they have them, that will teach you discipline. It is going to get you into habits. Discipline is having good habits and good routines. It is doing something when you do not necessarily want to, but you do it because you respect it. This is a great way to develop discipline.
- Martial arts as an individual sport allows you to focus on yourself. It will enable you to focus on what you need to work on to be successful individually. What you need to work on may come in the form of feedback from a teacher or a training partner. It may be just something that you realize and recognize. If you know what you need to work on to be successful, you start to work on that. As you work towards your goal that requires discipline, you will eventually build discipline.
2.8 Martial Arts Build Mental Toughness
Have you ever wondered what it takes to bounce back from life's challenges? The answer is mental toughness. It is about maintaining focus and determination to finish a task no matter the difficulty. It is the ability to transform adversity into stepping stones towards success. It takes turning failures into lessons and obstacles into opportunities.
This crucial skill helps us face life's challenges. One effective way to develop mental toughness is martial arts. They teach a discipline that goes beyond physical strength and agility. It is a powerful tool to build mental toughness. They are not just about physical activity. It is a mental game. It is about mental understanding and readiness, which are as important as physical strength.

“The core of martial arts is a powerful blend of discipline, focus, and perseverance. It fosters a discipline beyond the dojo and emphasizes self-control, respect, and hard work. A critical aspect is focus, demanding high concentration and teaching practitioners to anticipate their opponent's next moves. This sense of awareness aids in navigating life's challenges, instilling calmness even in stressful situations.”
Martial arts are a strenuous path requiring dedication, hard work, and courage to keep going. It is about resilience, patience, and determination. It is a journey that cultivates a strong mind and body. When you think of these arts, remember it is not just a sport. It is a way of life.
Martial arts teach strategic thinking and problem-solving. It is crucial for overcoming school hurdles and bullying. It imparts resilience, fostering confidence in children. They learn to confront fears, handle setbacks, and bounce back. The Lessons Learned on the mat can equip kids with the mental toughness needed to face life's challenges. In a world full of challenges, mental toughness can be a game-changer.
It is not merely a sport. It shapes the Mind along with the body. Martial arts are about overcoming hurdles both in the arena and in life. It teaches us to rise every time we fall. To recognize that often our biggest adversary is our self, and to conquer our fears. It is about building a strong mind, a robust character, and a determined Spirit. It teaches that the fight is not just physical but also mental robustness.
2.9 Martial Arts Teach Analytical Skills
Martial arts are a game in which you cannot win only by training harder. The most important thing for winning is predicting other moves by analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. This is how these arts builds analytical skills in its trainer.

You train each day by competing. You analyze your opponent’s moves, strengths, and weaknesses, and based on that, you throw your next move. This also helps in your real life. You analyze everything deeply before making any decision in your life, whether it is a small decision or a larger one.
2.10 Martial Arts Teach Problem-Solving Skills
When training for martial arts, you compete with many other trainers. All your opponents are not the same. They have different skill sets, and their strengths and weaknesses are different.
When you get defeated by anyone, you try to make strategies to win against that opponent. You continue this until you have a win against that person. This is how martial arts particularly mixed martial arts develop a person's problem-solving skills. You apply this skill in real life, ultimately making you a better person.

3. Last Words
Martial arts teach you many skills other than moves that make you a much better person. It teaches all those skills that you need to be a charismatic person. In many countries, it has become a tradition to join a martial arts academy at a young age. This helps them develop skills that help them in their real life. If you want to be a charismatic person, you must have a goal of joining a martial arts academy.
4. Frequently Asked Questions
4.1 What type of skills do martial arts teach you?
Martial arts teach us the following skills:
- Build confidence with action
- Build social skills
- Teaches respecting everyone
- Teaches to meet new people.
- Teaches turn-taking
- Relieves stress
- Builds discipline
- Build mental toughness
- Teaches analytical skills
- Teaches problem-solving skills
4.2 How do martial arts make you charismatic?
Martial arts develop your mind and body and foster positivity. It builds confidence in you and toughens your mind. You learn social skills such as respecting everyone, basic manners, and etiquette. This is how martial arts makes you charismatic by developing all these skills in you.
4.3 Is it necessary for me to learn martial arts?
Yes, martial arts are necessary for you to learn. You should start learning martial arts at a younger age. It gives you training to face all the challenges you will face later in life. It develops your mind and body. It builds confidence in you. You can be a better thinker and problem solver by learning martial arts.
4.4 Which martial arts is the best for me to learn?
Selecting martial arts to learn depends on your interests. Furthermore, it also depends on the specific purpose for which you are learning. Karate is one if you are confused about the selection. It is the quickest and safest way to learn first. Later on, as you become familiar with it, you should start learning other arts, such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. You can also go for mixed martial arts.
4.5 At what age should I start learning martial arts?
You should start learning martial arts by the age of four. Doctors say your mind learns faster when you are four. After this age, it becomes difficult for you to learn. It all depends on your will and efforts. You can learn after that age, but it is often advised to learn at the age of four. Many professional martial artists started their careers late and became the best artists.
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