Doping in BJJ: Steroid Abuse Cases in Grappling
Doping allows the BJJ fighters to perform better on the mat. Over the past few years, it looks as if the use of steroids in Jiu-Jitsu has increased rather than decreased. In this article, we discus...

I Have Bad Headaches After Rolling In Jiu Jitsu. What Can I Do To Alleviate This?
Training for Jiu-Jitsu involves intensive physical exercises and practice of real fighting in the simulation called sparring and rolling. This process can cause head pains. Learn about preventive m...

How to Boost Testosterone Levels Naturally for Jiu-Jitsu
BJJ is one of the leading strength-based grappling combat support. After every training session, you will be extremely exhausted and tired. Testosterones are responsible for muscle mass and strength.

Can You Get Herpes From BJJ Practices?
In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu due to the constant skin-to-skin contact, there is a high risk of getting contagious skin infections.

A Common Infection in Practising BJJ: Ringworm
Grappling arts players are mostly targeted with ringworm disease on their body due to heavy sweating and skin contact.

The battle against BJJ arthritis is the hardest to win. Read about how BJJ is linked with arthritis, the causes of BJJ arthritis, and preventive measures.