10 Best Fruits to Help You Lose Weight
10 fruits that can help you lose weight quickly. Kiwifruit, Apple, Avocado, Orange, Berries, Stone Fruits, Grapefruit, Tomato, Pineapple, Melon

30-Minutes HIIT Workout - Kill Calories with Cardio!
Burn more calories, fast, with this 30-Minute HIIT cardio workout. HIIT cardio bursts: 30 seconds; Rest: 60 seconds. With HIIT cardio, fat loss is fun!

Why Do You Gain Weight on Diets?
Are you stressed because you are gaining weight even on a diet? Read to know the causes and how you can prevent weight gain.

Will I Lose Weight Walking 5000 Steps a Day?
Learn how walking 5,000 steps a day will help you lose weight. Discover the amount of calories burned, the time required, and different ways to complete 5,000 steps a day.

HIIT Cardio Workout for Weight Loss
Shed your extra pounds with this 18-minute HIIT Cardio workout including jumping jacks, burpees, high knees, push-ups, squats, planks, butt kicks, russian twist, mountain climbers, and crunches.

Running Far or Running Fast - Which is Better for Weight Loss?
Getting confused about making your choice? Read this article to find which one is better whether running far or running fast for weight loss and how.