BJJPatrick Gaudio - Top Heavy Weight BJJ Black Belt

Patrick Gaudio - Top Heavy Weight BJJ Black Belt

Patrick Gaudio is one of the leading black belts in BJJ under Fabiana Gaudio. Read the article to learn about his grappling accomplishments in Jiu-Jitsu.

BJJCreatine For BJJ: Why Should You Take This Supplement?

Creatine For BJJ: Why Should You Take This Supplement?

Discover the reasons and benefits of taking Creatine for BJJ and unlock your full potential strength on the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu mat.

BJJDavi Cabral - Top Super Heavyweight BJJ Black Belt

Davi Cabral - Top Super Heavyweight BJJ Black Belt

Davi Cabral de Souza is a skilled grappler and black belt in BJJ. As a black belt, he won various top BJJ tournaments. Read the article to know more about his achievements.

BJJNicky Rodriguez Has Been Promoted to BJJ Black Belt

Nicky Rodriguez Has Been Promoted to BJJ Black Belt

Nicky Rodriguez has recently been promoted to Jiu-Jitsu black belt by his B-Team coaches and training fellow partners. Read more about this in BJJ news.

BJJMarcus Vinicius Ribeiro - Highly Competitive Super Heavyweight BJJ Black Belt

Marcus Vinicius Ribeiro - Highly Competitive Super Heavyweight BJJ Black Belt

Marcus Vinicius Ribeiro is the strongest BJJ black belt under Luciano Nucci. He conducted various top IBJJF tournaments. Read the article to know more about his achievements.

BJJRafaela Guedes Has Been Promoted to 1st Degree BJJ Black Belt

Rafaela Guedes Has Been Promoted to 1st Degree BJJ Black Belt

Rafaela Guedes has been recently promoted to 1st degree BJJ black belt in the ATOS grading ceremony by her coach and affiliation’s originator, Andre Galvao. Read more about this BJJ news.