BJJGeo Martinez - Top-Notch Nogi BJJ Black Belt

Geo Martinez - Top-Notch No-Gi BJJ Black Belt

Geo Martinez is an accomplished black belt in jiu-jitsu. He secured his black belt under the Eddie Bravo. Kimura, Calf slicer, and the truck are his favorite BJJ techniques.

BJJEmilio Hernandez - BJJ No-Gi Black Belt

Emilio Hernandez - Strongest No-Gi BJJ Black Belt

Emilio Hernandez is a top BJJ grappler and is also renowned as Scramble King. Read this biography to learn more about his specialties in BJJ.

BJJDiego Ramalho - 2nd Degree BJJ Black Belt

Diego Ramalho - 2nd Degree BJJ Black Belt

Diego Ramalho is a competitive black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Read this article to explore more about his jiu-jitsu victories.

BJJIs Trash Talk Good for the Growth of BJJ?

Is Trash Talk Good for the Growth of BJJ?

This article will provide a clear explanation of trash talks in BJJ and its effects on the growth of BJJ. Read this article to know the consequences of trash-talk in BJJ.

BJJThe Inspiring Journey of BJJ Black Belt Wallace Costa

The Inspiring Journey of BJJ Black Belt Wallace Costa

Wallace Costa is one of the most decorated BJJ black belts. Read this article to learn more about Wallace Costa’s life, BJJ journey, and professional achievements.

BJJAndrew Aspinall: A Father Who Quit His Job for His Son’s BJJ Development

Andrew Aspinall: A Father Who Quit His Job for His Son’s BJJ Development

Tom Aspinall burst into tears after becoming the third UFC champion and dedicated his victory to his father, Andrew Aspinall, who had quit his highest-paying job for him.